University of Hull Conference 2014

Yesterday, Saturday 17th May 2014 I attended a conference in Hull University with tutors, delegates, professionals , guest speakers; and with my PGCE peers. The day consisted of guest speakers and PGCE teacher trainees presenting their seminar paper. The seminar presentation was regarding how we deliver our innovative and creative practice in our subject specialism area.

I had an extremely enjoyable, productive and active teaching and learning experience, this day by far will be a highly memorable experience for me I took a lot away from this day.

The day consisted of a welcome talk by Dr Carol Azumah Dennis, which then followed onto a guest speak conducted by Dr Sai Loo on the topic ‘knowledge and applying the teaching contexts and opportunities for excellence in teaching and learning’, then we went onto refreshments as we spent that time looking at posters which were created by other subject specialist on the day. The day was relaxed and very informative, as the second guest speaker was presented by Trevor Gordon, which informed us all on ‘Excellence,e/quality and diversity’ . After lunch we all went into our pre-organised groups to present our own seminar presentation of our innovative and creative practice in our specifics subject specialist area.

Guest speak conducted by Trevor Gordon, had enlightened me with his lecture and his delivery technique. His knowledge, passion and his sincerity really had me star stuck even though I had not met him prior to this event. Not ashamed to admit, that I was not alone, he successfully spell bounded everyone from the looks and sounds of it, every individual in that lecture theatre was even in its minimalistic form inspired by his experience to have a positive change on the world, not just accept it but to make a positive change for everyone for the better.

He delivered the importance of laws which teachers and society must comply with, what are these laws ? The ones we all are protected by, yes you guessed it ! The Human Rights Act 2010. Not what he taught us was of anything new, it was a topic that I’m pretty sure everyone gets bored of as it is something that is quite repetitive especially working in such a diverse environment. Yet, merely what we all learnt was the way he delivered a lecture/lesson through his enthusiasm, his passion, his technique; and how he successfully made a dull subject interesting, even more so whilst having previous knowledge of it.

*Hats off for Trevor Gordon*

The seminar papers we all presented to our mini groups were all very interesting, it was great to see how other professionals in our field teach their subject differently, the day provided you with an opportunity to try experiment these different techniques and adapt into your own lessons as we all shared and promoted our innovative teaching practice.

Overall, the professional practice conference was a successful day in which professionals collaborated to promote learning as we share good practice which is always favoured in the teaching and learning environment. The innovative and creative teaching practice presented by other PGCE subject specialist has provided me with the the opportunity to try implement and incorporate it into my own delivery.

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